Over 100.000 Miracle Stories
Do not delay your dreams!
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About Us

Why Bahçeci IVF Centre?

Tens of thousands of people across 105 countries in the world have made their parenting dreams come true by choosing Bahçeci. We always work for better, and we create a huge family with a new baby joining our family every 2.5 hours.

Over 70.000 Bahçeci Babies
Over 100,000
Bahçeci Babies

With over 100,000 babies across 105 countries, we are one of the largest families in the world.

Read our patient testimonials

State-of-the-art Embryology Laboratory
State-of-the-art Embryology Laboratory

We are at your service with our advanced embryology laboratory and over 40 embryologists.


Success Rates Above International Standards
Success Rates Above International Standards

We have success rates above international standards in the field of IVF, especially in difficult cases.


BahçeciMAX Guarantee
BahçeciMAX Guarantee

The most advanced security system in the world that protects sperms, eggs and embryos from the risk of interference.


Success-Boosting Methods
Success-Boosting Methods

We make the parenting dreams of thousands of couples come true with success-boosting technologies such as ERA, NGS, IMSI and the Embryoscope.

Treatment Techniques

The Centre of Difficult Cases
The Centre of Difficult Cases

Thanks to our expert team and our technological infrastructure, we are known as the centre of difficult cases.

About Us

28 Years

of Experience
in IVF


IVF Babies

10 Centres

5 Countries

Every 2,5 Hours

A Bahçeci
Baby is Born


Read it From Our Patients

They made their biggest dream come true with Bahçeci IVF Centre. Read from our patients their tales of happiness...

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After 5 Failed IVF Attempts, Positive Result at Bahçeci!

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Personalized Treatment Led to Success in Azoospermia!

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Happy Ending at Bahçeci Fulya!

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We Successfully Retrieved Healthy Sperm Using Micro TESE!

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