
Simply put, laparoscopy is the observation of the abdomen using an optical device. While it was previously used for diagnostic purposes, with the technological advances, laparoscopy is now being used for treatment purposes (laparoscopic surgery).

Traditional surgical interventions usually require long incisions. However, laparoscopic sur-gery allows incisions of 0.5-1 cm in size, through which it is possible to observe problems related to the uterus, the ovaries, and the fallopian tubes, and intervene when necessary. Thus, the recovery period of postoperative is made shorter and easier.

When is laparoscopy performed?

Laparoscopy is performed in the following cases:

• In the diagnostic and treatment of infertility
• In the treatment of Endometriosis (chocolate cyst)
• In cases when blocked fallopian tubes need reopening
• In the treatment of uterine fibroids
• In the treatment of ovarian cysts
• In cases of ectopic pregnancies
• In sterilisation procedures (occluding the fallopian tubes as a permanent form of birth control)
• In hysterectomy procedures (removal of the uterus)
• In the treatment of pelvic problems such as uterine prolapse, urinary incontinence, bladder prolapse, vaginal prolapse, chronic pain.

Before and after laparoscopic surgery

Laparoscopy is performed under general anaesthesia. This is why you must fast (no eating or drinking) for at least 6 hours prior to surgery. The length of the operation varies according to the procedure but usually lasts 1-2 hours. About 4-6 hours after surgery, the patient is discharged and can go home if everything is normal.

After laparoscopy surgeries, there is not much pain. Slight pain in the incision sites may be observed, as well as shoulder and back pain due to the CO2 gas used during the procedure. If nausea, vomiting, and pain persist, it is recommended you contact your doctor. One week after the operation, your doctor will examine you in the clinic.

Does laparoscopy increase success rates in IVF?

Laparoscopy can be used as a success-boosting method in IVF treatments. If the patient has good-quality embryos, it is necessary to examine the condition of the fallopian tubes before performing the transfer. That is because the liquid-filled tubes called hydrosalpinges not only prevent natural pregnancies; but they also lower the success rate of IVF treatments. Therefore, if there is fluid accumulation inside the tubes, these tubes can be removed through laparoscopy or cut off from the uterus. Myomas and chocolate cysts (endometrio-ma) within the uterus and the ovaries can be removed through laparoscopy, thus increasing the chance of pregnancy.

What are the pros of Laparoscopic Surgery?

Laparoscopy provides results similar to regular surgery when performed by an experienced professional.

The most important pros of laparoscopy are as follows:

• The length of hospitalisation is much shorter than in regular
• Postoperative pains are light
• You can go back to your daily life in a short time (usually 3-4 days)
• Since the operation is performed through a small incision, complications such as infections, wound ing, and hernia are extremely rare compared to open surgery.

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