Sperm production start on the puberty and release of FSH and LH hormones in the brain. Those hormones are spread into the body via blood circulation, testicles trigger the production. Stem cells that are called scrotum in the skin pouch are affected from the hormone release and evolves into sperm cells. Sperms develop and matures in the scrotum, then they reach to the epididymis at the back of the testicles. Here sperms continue to develop and gain movement ability, after that they reach to the sperm canal from epididymis. Seminal vesicle located at the back of the urinary pouch forms ejaculative canal.

During the ejaculation, seminal fluid produced in the prostate and sperm cells are ejaculated from the testicles, this fluid is called semen. Sperm quality is an important factor of reproduction. Mobility and fertilization ability of the sperm sets the sperm quality. Sperm quality is calculated via an test called spermiogram. On this article we will be answering your questions such as “Can sperm quality increase?” “How to increase Sperm Quality?” “How to Find Out Sperm Quality?” and “What Should be the Sperm Quality?” However, before heading on to those questions we should answer to “What is sperm quality?”.

What is Sperm Quality?

In order to be able to classify sperm quality, we should know the semen volume, sperm density, total sperm count and abnormal sperm count, sperm mobility (sperm movement type and ratio of total moving sperms) mature sperms, coagulation (solidness and resolution) ratio, leucocyte count that shows the presence of infection are analysed. For men, sperm quality is important for fertilizing female egg. Having a live and active sperm, tall head part and wideness in ratio, acrosome that helps entering egg affects the fertilization. This can answer the frequently asked “How Does Sperm Qualtiy Determined?” question.

How to Determine Sperm Quality in Male?

To understand the quality of male reproductive cells called sperm can be determined by spermiogram test. “How to measure sperm quality?” can be answered in that way. Spermiogram test that measures the sperm quality, that is also known as semen analyses. This test should be applied especially after a year of unprotected sex, if pregnancy does not occur. For the male infertility “How to measure sperm quality?” question can be answered in that way. However, for the “How measure sperm quality at home?” the only answer for that will be sperm quality can only be measured in laboratory, it can not be measured at home. Men always search the answer for how to increase the sperm quality, this is another topic. You can find the answer of how to increase the sperm quality on the following paragraph.

How to Increase Sperm Quality?

Before answering “How to increase sperm quality for men?” we should mention that any kind of abnormality and diseases should be eliminated in urological examination. FSH and LH hormones should be regular, undescended testicles, twisting testicles causing circulation disorder, presence of varicosis in testicles, condition of the sperm canals, any disease that affects reproductive organ should be researched. To increase sperm quality, you should stop smoking and do not consume alcohol. Additionally use of some medication for a long time period, can damage sperm cells. Regular sleeping pattern and balanced diet can affect sperm cells. “Does sexual fasting increase sperm quality?” can be answered in; sexual fasting do increase the sperm count and quality slightly however it is not sufficient alone. Physician may suggest medication to increase sperm quality and some diet programmes. But how does diet increase the sperm quality is listed below.

1. Meat: Red meat is rich on protein; it plays role on the balancing the hormonal order by intaking amino acid. Meat contains L-carnitine which increases the sperm quality however you should not consume excessive amounts of red meat as it also includes high amounts of cholesterol and therefore it can have negative impact on the sperm production. You should consume meat twice a week.
2. Egg: Egg is another source of egg; at the same time it includes vitamins and minerals that increase the sperm quality. Egg that has big impact on the reproductive system in terms of amino acids, consumption of egg should be limited with once a day.
3. Fish: Fish contains omega 3, which increases sperm quality and can be consumed 2 or 3 times a week. Fish contains, vitamin C, D and B12 along with zinc, copper, iron and selenium which has an impact on the reproductive system.
4. Locust: Locust is advised highly for reproductive problems, it contains rich vitamins and minerals along with antioxidant feature, therefore it increases the sperm count and quality. Enzymes, locust contains helps fertilization of egg and sperm.
5. Dried Fruits & Nuts: Especially, walnut, nut and almond that are rich In Omega 3, increases the sperm quality. You should not consume more than handful, as it contains high levels of fat.
6. Vegetables: Vegetables with green leaves contains high amounts of folic acid, this is directly related with sperm health. If the folic acid levels are low, sperm quality is low as well, also it means it struggles to reach female reproductive cells. Therefore, consumption of broccoli, Brussel sprout, cauliflower, spinach and other vegetables with green leaves should be consumed frequently.
7. Citrus: Citrus contains high levels of vitamin C and this has an impact on the sperm cell genetics. Consumption of citrus has an positive impact on the sperm quality.
8. Garlic: Garlic contains selenium and vitamin B6, this increases sperm mobility and production. Garlic helps improving the blood circulation in testicles, it can be consumed regularly.
9. Banana: Banana is another nutrition that increases the sperm count, along with this it has an positive impact on the sperm quality. Banana contains vitamin A, C and B1.
10. Chocolate: Chocolate includes L-Arginine HCL, this increases the volume of semen. L-Arginine HCL can be found in higher amount on bitter chocolate.

Sperm Quality Test

Spermiogram test is applied to measure the number and quality of the sperm cells in the semen. Sperm quality can be measured not just by one parameter but group of parameters.

How to Measure Sperm Quality?

Spermiogram test is highly important when evaluating sperm quality. Before the test male partner should not have any kind ejaculation for 2 -3 days. It is important to give sperm sample in the hospital to make sure that you do not need to re-do the test. On the microbiological investigations group of parameters are checked to determine the sperm quality such as semen volume, sperm count, number of mobile and live sperm cells, resolution and mobility ratio and induration levels are checked. All these values are checked to determine sperm quality.

What is Normal Level of Sperm Quality?

Sperm quality is not calculated by one parameter but volume that sets sperm quality; spermatozoa/mL, spermatozoa number and total mobility, shape and pH and other parameters gives and reference values on the laboratory tests. In the light of all those values, we can have an idea about the sperm quality.

For all your questions regarding sperm quality you can call us from +90 444 39 49.