
I overcame cancer first, then infertility!
I overcame cancer first, then infertility!


I got married when I was 24. At the time, I was a kindergarten teacher. I loved children and I enjoyed being with them. Probably influenced by this environment, I wanted to have a baby right away. My husband and I decided to get pregnant. However, 8 months went by and I could not get pregnant. Although doctors generally say that couples should wait a year, I decided to go to a doctor, thinking that there was something wrong. I saw doctors continuously for almost two years. I underwent some treatments but the results were always the same. One treatment center performed a laparoscopy. After that, medicinal treatment was administered for five to six months. I tried insemination twice. During this time, I was experiencing sharp pains. I had very irregular and painful periods.

I decided to try a new treatment center. I did a lot of research and finally found Prof. Dr. Mustafa Bahçeci, who was recommended by many people. During the first examination, the doctor diagnosed me with endometriosis. We also learned that I had some cysts, which had not been diagnosed until then despite all the examinations and treatments I had undergone. I underwent another laparoscopic surgery. Then we left things flow naturally.I also received menopause treatment, followed by hormone therapy for 6 months.was walking around with short-sleeved shirts in the dead of winter.It was a bad time.


Then it was decided that I would undergo a microinjection. While preparing for the treatment I felt horrible. I was nervous and stressed. We thought it was because of the treatment and decided that I should seek psychological counseling. However, it didn’t work. I was still tense and aggressive. My regular sleep routine was also disturbed. Dr. Bahçeçi said, “I don’t think there is anything wrong, but let’s have your thyroid hormones tested just in case,” and referred me to Prof. Dr. Erol Düren, the Chief Physician of Alman Hastanesi and a thyroid surgery specialist. Dr. Düren discovered a mass during the first examination and told me that I had to be operated on immediately. I was shocked. Thanks to my own fussiness and worries, I was diagnosed with another disease before late. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer via a biopsy. I set out to have a baby but I was constantly running into obstacles, and this last diagnosis upset me. Doctors told me I shouldn’t think about having a baby for the next two years. Having to give up my struggle to have a baby depressed me more than having cancer.

I underwent radioactive iodine treatment and was quarantined in the hospital for a week. I had to avoid contact with anybody after taking iodine. Finally, the cancer treatment was completed under the leadership of Prof. Dr. Düren and the excellent teamwork of Dr. Onur.


The waiting period finally ended.Without delay, I returned to my efforts to have a baby. Fortunately, we got a successful result on our first IVF attempt, again due to perfect teamwork.I learned that I was pregnant on August 3rd.It had been a long and exhaustive journey for me,but I finally succeeded.My daughter Yasemin was born on April 3, 2001. Both my husband and I were reborn.It is really a wonderful feeling to have a child.

Despite all those troubles in the beginning, I had a very pleasant pregnancy. I did not have any problems and could eat and drink whatever I wanted. I gained 33 kilograms. Although I also had to fight with excess weight, I believe in one thing: it was worth everything. And why shouldn’t I have a second baby!

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