Parenting Journey

What do you need to take care of at the beginning of your parenting journey?

Conceiving a baby is long and arduous journey. Before starting your journey there are few things that you need to know, you need to be aware of your body, your ovulation periods, for healthier and happy pregnancy you need to be ready emotionally and physically.

Preparing to Your Journey

We advise you to consult with a physician when you decide to have a baby. If you are currently pregnant you need to consult with a physician for your and baby’s health. At the very first days of your pregnancy organs of the baby starts developing and every small changes on your life shows an impact on the development of the organs. For instance, folic acid deficiency can cause major congenital anomalies.

Therefore, your physician needs to assess both your and the babies health. At this stage we will have some suggestions to you which needs to be started right away.

Quit Smoking and Stop Consuming Alcohol Now

If your trying to conceive, smoking reduces your fertility. If you are pregnant smoking increases the risk of miscarriage and damages the healthy development of your baby. Consuming alcohol can cause major problems like; miscarriage, preterm birth, stillbirth and other serious complications.

Folic Acid Support Before Pregnancy

You need to take folic acid to reduce the risk of congenital anomalies. Folic acid is a derivative of vitamin-B and can be found on fresh fruits and green vegetables. Consumption of 400 microgram of folic acid will inhibit head and spinal disorders and cleft palate anomality. These disorders are already present when you realise that you are pregnant. Therefore, if you are planning to conceive start folic acid support right away. If you are suspicious that you may be pregnant we advise you to start folic acid support now.

Full Health Check-up

Having a full check-up is highly important for your and the baby’s health. Conditions like high blood pressure, epilepsy and diabetes can have impact on your pregnancy.

Inform Your Physician

Let your physician know, all the diseases you had before. For instance, rubella during pregnancy can cause congenital disorders, therefore if you haven’t had rubella before your physician will advise you to get vaccinated.

If you are using medication, let your physician know the medications you are using. Some medication can affect you or your baby. You may have to cut or change these medications.

Talk About Your Family Story

If you or your family member got a genetic disease, this can have impact on the baby therefore, genetic consultation may be needed. Apply to your physician about your ideal weight. Over-weight females can experience high blood pressure or diabetes during pregnancy. Low-weight female pregnancy may have low-weight new born, with help from a dietician you can reach to your ideal weight.

Stay-away From Chemicals

Stay-away from toxic materials, chemicals or radiation at home and work.

These materials can affect your fertility and if you are pregnant, they can cause unwanted results.

Be Relax

Stress, long working hours, physical tiredness and standing up for a long period can decrease your fertility and can show negative impact your pregnancy. Make yourself comfortable and do relaxing activities.

Be Patient

If you have used birth control pills before, don’t forget that your body needs time to get back to normal condition.

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