Bahceci Tup Bebek Op. Dr. Admir Rama | Bahçeci Sağlık Grubu
Op. Dr. Admir Rama

Op. Dr. Admir Rama

Kadın Hastalıkları ve Tüp Bebek Uzmanı


  • 1995 – 1999 Tıp lisesi Prizren – Kosovo
  • 2002 – 2008 Tıp fakültesi Saraybosna Üniversitesi
  • 2009 – 2013 Kadın hastalıkları ve doğum uzmanlığı Saraybosna Üniversitesi Klinik Merkezi

İş deneyimi

  • 2004 – 2008 Anatomi Anabilim Dalında Araştırma görevlisi Tıp fakültesi/Saraybosna Ünivesitesi
  • 2005 – 2006 Tıbbı Bileşimi Araştırma görevlisi Tıp fakültesi/Saraybosna Ünivesitesi
  • 2009 – 2012 Doktor uzmanliklari egitimi Saraybosna Üniversitesi Klinik Merkezi/Jinekoloji ve obstetrik kliniği
  • 2010 – 2011 DRG sağlık hizmetlerinde kalitesi kontröl Saraybosna Üniversitesi Klinik Merkezi
  • 2013 – Tüp bebek kliniği Bahceci IVF merkezi BIH – Saraybosna

Mesleki İlgi Alanları

  • Yumurtalık stimülasyonu protokolleri
  • Preimplantasyon genetik diyagnostiği
  • Doğurganlığın korunması

Bilimsel Yayınlar

1. Distance learning at biomedical faculties in Bosnia & herzegovina. 2005
2. Possibilities of application of distance learning in medical curriculum. 2005
3. Web based distance learning at Faculty of Medicine of Sarajevo University. 2006
4. Ultrasound evaluation of uterine scar after cesarean section. 2012
5. Ultrasound evaluation of uterine scar after Cesarean section and next birth. – 2012
6. Osteoporosis in active working women – 2012
7. Evaluation of bad habits as risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Sarajevo Canton – 2012
8. Efficacy of ovulation induction with clomiphene citrate and metformin in women with polycystic ovary syndrome – Pilot study – 2013
9. Incidence of operative completion of labor after induction with prepidil gel in a six-month period at Gynecology and obstetrics Clinic in Sarajevo – 2013
10. Laparoscopy and hysteroscopy should be considered for women with unexplained infertility – 2013
11. Perinatal parameters and characteristics of pregnant women undergoing Caesarean sectio – 2013
12. The impact of hypochromic anemia on the pregnancy outcome – 2013
13. Practice and knowledge of contraception in the student popu- lation – 2013
14. Incidence of morbidity and mortality in premature infants at the Department of Neonatal Intensive Care of Pediatric Clinic, Clinical Center of Sarajevo University. – 2013
15. Frequency of blood pressure measuring according to the degree of working population education in canton sarajevo. – 2013
16. Correlation between hyperprolactinemia, MRI of hypophysis and clinical presentation in infertile patients. – 2013
17. Values of D-dimer test in the diagnostics of pulmonary embolism – 2014
18. Hormonal variations in correlation to the outcome of medicamentous abortion in the second trimester of pathological pregnancy – 2014
19. Medicamentous abortion induction in the second trimester in pathological pregnancies – 2014
20. Causes of Sterility in Bosnia-Herzegovina Population. 2015
21. The First Report from Bosnia and Herzegovina on Micro-tese Results in Azoospermic Patients. 2015
22. Predictive value of SAPS II and APACHE II scoring systems for patient outcome in a medical intensive care unit.2016
23. Hyperlactatemia and the Importance of Repeated Lactate Measurements in Critically Ill Patients.

Bilimsel kitaplarda yazarı

Sağlıkta Bilimsel Araştırma Metodolojisi, Üniversite Ders Kitabı, Saraybosna 2018.


  • Uluslararası Katılımlı BiH’de İlk Morfoloji Kongresi (Organizatör), 2005
  • Uluslararası Katılımlı BH’de İkinci Morfoloji Kongresi (Organizatör), 2005
  • Uluslararası nefroloji kongresi, Mostar, (organizatör) 2008.
  • Ian Donald’s Ultrason okulu, Saraybosna, (organizatör) 2010
  • Jinekolojide İlk Mikro-İnvaziv Cerrahi Kongresi, Trebinje, 2017
  • Dünya Perinatoloji Kongresi, Belgrad, 2017

Profesyonel seminerleri-eğitimi

  • Jinekoloji ve Obstetrik’te Acil Durumlar Semineri, Liverpool-Saraybosna, 2011
  • İleri laparoskopi semineri, Istanbul, 2014
  • İleri laparoskopi semineri, Istanbul, 2015

Yabancı Dil / Diller

  • İngilizce
  • Arnavutça
  • Makedonca
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