

What is Ultrasound?

Ultrasound is an imaging method based on sending high-frequency sound waves, which cannot be heard by the human ear, into the tissue and analyzing the sound waves reflected from the tissues with an ultrasound device. This method can be used to examine internal organs such as the liver, kidneys, and heart, as well as to evaluate the fetus in the womb.

Is Ultrasound Harmful to Mother and Fetus Health?

Ultrasound devices operate using sound waves and are considered “safe.” Unlike X-rays or tomography, there is no exposure to radiation.

Who Should Perform It?

The evaluation of the fetus through ultrasound should be conducted by trained and knowledgeable doctors using appropriate equipment. The evaluation is performed in cases where there is a medical necessity (indication) and during certain weeks of pregnancy.

Is Ultrasound Necessary During Pregnancy?

Ultrasound is part of prenatal examinations, but pregnancy follow-ups are not conducted solely through ultrasound. The primary concern during pregnancy is the health of the mother. Tests that are significant indicators of the mother’s health, such as blood pressure and weight measurement, complete blood count, and urinalysis, should be prioritized.

Why is Ultrasound Performed?

Ultrasound can be performed at specific weeks of pregnancy or whenever there is an indication based on the mother’s complaints.

  • Early weeks: Confirmation of gestational age, determination of the number of fetuses.
  • 10-14 weeks of pregnancy: Determination of fetal age, nuchal translucency (NT), measurement of the nasal bone, counting heartbeats, evaluation of the placenta in multiple pregnancies.
  • 16-18 weeks of pregnancy: Determination of fetal age.
  • 22-23 weeks of pregnancy: Structural evaluation of the fetus and anomaly screening, measurement of cervical length, assessment of the placenta's relationship with the cervix, determination of fetal age.
  • 32 weeks of pregnancy: Evaluation of fetal development and the amniotic fluid surrounding the fetus, assessment of fetal condition.

Ultrasound evaluations may also be necessary outside these weeks if certain conditions arise (such as preterm labor, vaginal bleeding, reduced fetal movement) and at intervals deemed appropriate by your doctor.

Is Vaginal Ultrasound Harmful?

Vaginal ultrasound is not a harmful procedure for the mother or the fetus. It does not cause infection, miscarriage, or premature birth; rather, it is used to evaluate the risk of miscarriage or premature birth by investigating the relationship between the placenta and the cervix. Although it is not a rule, it is often used in the first trimester to diagnose pregnancy, determine the number of fetuses, count embryonic (baby's) heartbeats, and detect ectopic pregnancies.

Can All Fetal Problems Be Diagnosed with Ultrasound?

Ultrasound provides important information about the health of the fetus. However, it is not possible to diagnose all problems with ultrasound. A structural anomaly can be detected in 3% of all pregnancies. The severity of the existing problem and whether the disease in the fetus leads to symptoms are important for accurate diagnosis. The diagnosis of anomalies depends on the operator’s experience and the equipment used. The detection of an anomaly in a newborn does not mean that the doctor missed it during the ultrasounds performed throughout the pregnancy. Some structural problems can only be diagnosed in the later months of pregnancy. The probability of detecting an anomaly in ultrasound varies between 28% and 80% based on the operator's experience and the technical characteristics of the equipment (*).

In conclusion, an ultrasound examination conducted during pregnancy that is reported as normal indicates that no issues were detected during that observation. Even in ultrasounds performed by doctors specializing in perinatology (the science of pregnancy and its problems), it is not possible to identify anomalies with 100% accuracy. Ultrasound diagnosis is related to structural problems; diseases at the cellular level, such as Mediterranean anemia and cystic fibrosis, are not recognized through ultrasound. In suspicious cases, a second opinion may be sought.

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