Bahceci Tup Bebek Azoospermia: What is it, Symptoms, and Treatment

Azoospermia: What is it, Symptoms, and Treatment

Azoospermia, which is seen in one in every hundred men, is usually a treatable disease. You can find the answers to many questions such as how azoospermia is treated, what are the causes of azoospermia, how to obtain sperm from azoospermia patients in our article.

What is Azoospermia?

Azoospermia (zero sperm) is the condition of having no sperm in the semen. The absence of live sperm in the semen means that the person cannot have children naturally. However, thanks to advanced treatment methods, men with azoospermia can also have children. We achieve successful results in many azoospermia cases in our centers.

What are the symptoms of azoospermia?

Azoospermia has no symptoms. Semen is usually normal in appearance and color. A spermiogram (sperm test) is required for the diagnosis of azoospermia. Before having a sperm test, it is necessary to abstain from sex for 3 days. During this period, the man should not have any sexual intercourse or ejaculate through masturbation. It is not right to extend the abstinence period in order to increase sperm count. Because when the period is extended, sperm count increases while sperm motility and quality decrease. On the fourth day of the abstinence, the candidate goes to a center and ejaculates into a sterile container given to him, and the sample he gives is examined in the laboratory and the sperm count is reported. You can learn the semen test result the next day.

What are the causes of azoospermia?

Azoospermia may occur as a result of a blockage in the sperm ducts or may be seen as a result of a disorder in sperm production.

1. Due to Obstruction:In these patients, sperm production occurs in the testicles, but the sperm cannot be expelled with the semen due to the blockage in the transmission ducts.

2. Due to a Disorder in Sperm Production:Sperm production in the body may be impaired due to reasons such as the testicles being congenitally elevated (undescended testicles - cryptorchidism), genetic disorders, hormone deficiencies, some infections and radiation.

How is Azoospermia Treated?

For treatment, the cause of azoospermia must first be determined. During diagnosis, the following tests are requested from patients:

1. Repeat spermiogram

2. Hormone analyses

3. Genetic examinations

4. Testicular ultrasound

After all tests are completed and the urologist examines, a decision is made on what treatment will be applied. If azoospermia due to obstruction is detected, the obstruction in the channels is surgically opened to allow the sperm to come out. After the channels are opened, pregnancy is expected naturally. In cases of azoospermia due to a production disorder, the sperm required for in vitro fertilization treatment is collected from the testicles surgically. This surgical procedure is called micro-TESE.

Men Without Sperm Can Become Fathers with Micro-TESE

Micro-TESE is a surgical procedure performed on men who have no sperm in their semen. During the operation, the small canals that can produce sperm are detected in the testicle using an operating microscope and samples are taken from these areas. In the micro-TESE operation, the testicle is completely opened with a single incision and the tissue is magnified 24 times using a microscope to identify areas where sperm production is likely. The experience of the doctor who will perform the micro-TESE operation and the frequency with which he performs these operations are extremely important and important issues in terms of sperm finding success. You can contact us to get information about our highly successful results in micro-TESE operations.

Is it possible to have a baby with medication without needing IVF?

Yes, we have patient groups where we obtain sperm only with drug treatment and pregnancy occurs. A personalized treatment procedure is prepared in our clinics. If the patient's history is suitable, drug and vitamin treatment is recommended. Healthy sperm production is supported with lifestyle changes such as stopping smoking, healthy eating and regular exercise. Thus, pregnancy can be achieved without the need for an in vitro fertilization treatment process.

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