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The key to success in IVF treatments lies in implementing patient-specific treatment programs. In our centers, we aim to maximize success by working with personalized treatment plans. Based on critical information such as the patient's age, ovarian capacity, sperm analysis, previous treatments, or genetic diseases, we determine which methods and treatments should be applied.
We increase our pregnancy rates by using success-enhancing techniques that are not available in many IVF centers and are known as the center for challenging cases.
During our weekly 40 Doctors Meetings, we focus on difficult cases and create special treatment plans for our patients. Thus, every patient treated at Bahçeci benefits not only from one doctor's knowledge but from the expertise and experience of 40 doctors.
Advanced Maternal Age
The Pooling Method, Embryoscope, The CD56 Test, The Freeze, PRP Method, MitoScore, Prenatal Tests, NGS, PGT, PGT, CGT,
Low Ovarian Reserve
The Pooling Method, The Freeze, PRP Method, Prenatal Tests, PGT, PGT, What is Endoscopic Surgery?,
Male Infertility
sORP Test, IMSI?, Micro TESE, Microchip,
Recurrent IVF Failures
Embryoscope, Hysteroscopy, The CD56 Test, The Freeze, Assisted Hatching, PRP Method, MitoScore, Prenatal Tests, NGS, PGT, PGT, CGT, Method Increasing the Chance of Success in IVF: Smart PGT, Smart PGT,
Let us call you as soon as possible regarding the issues you want to consult.
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