What is Leopold Manoeuvre, how to do it?

What is Leopold Manoeuvre, how to do it?
24.02.2020 0

Leopold manoeuvres is one of the methods that is done to check bearing and general health of the baby. It was developed by German gynaecologist Christian Gerhard Leopold. This manoeuvre is used by physician at different times of the pregnancy, it can be called an diagnostic test to check whether if the pregnancy progressing in a good way. Generally, gynaecologists put their hand on the abdominal area from different angles, following this physical examination situation of the baby can be determined.

What is Leopold Manoeuvre?

All pregnant women should have routine examinations, along with those examinations pregnant women should have abdominal examination. On the abdominal examination, any kind of maldevelopment, growth retardation, level of amniotic fluid such as polyhydramnios and many other factors are checked. Along with this, those examinations show whether if the baby has entered the birth canal, if all the organs are developing correctly and general condition of the baby.

With the abdominal examination, this manoeuvre was the only method on observation of the current development of the baby before developments in the radiological scanning. Nowadays with the technological developments, this has left its place to ultrasonography. However, on the ultrasonographic examinations can be affected from many factors such as position of the baby, therefore many gynaecologists that conducts ultrasonographic and physical examination together.
Leopold techniques can be applied to most women during the examination, on some cases such as being over-weight on the level of obesity, due to fatty parts of the abdominal area this cannot be done. You should take care of the following during the abdominal examination:

  • You should empty your bladder before examination.
  • Mother-to-be gets into fetus position laying on her back in an straight floor, you should get an pillow to rest your head.
  • Physician will explain Mother-to-be following steps of the examination to get the anxiety on the minimum levels.
  • Physicians hands should be on the body temperature. Cold hands will tense the uterus muscles.

How is Leopold Manoeuvre Applied?

General condition of the fetus and location can be determined by leopard manoeuvre, this technique has 4 steps. Once the pre-examination preparations completed, next step of the manoeuvre is:

1. Leopold Manoeuvre

This manoeuvre is done to find out which end of the foetus is on the top side of the uterus. Therefore, top of the uterus called fundus, physical examination called palpation is applied. In more general explanation, this manoeuvre done to find out, where the head and hip of the baby is in the abdominal area of the baby. If the physician feels the baby’s head or hip on the fundus part, that indicates baby is in up-right position. If this is not felt, that indicates baby is positioned him/herself diagonally. During the procedure, in order to set the foetal poles top sides of the fundus is found. Additionally, baby’s height can be calculated from the fundal height. By moving the baby in the foetus by fingers, physician can determine the age of the baby.

2. Leopold Manoeuvre

Spine, arms and legs of the baby’s can be located by this manoeuvre. If the baby has straight up position, those will be located on the side of the abdominal area and can be felt by pressuring by hand. Spine, arms and legs are examined to understand if they are developing normally. During this procedure, we understand which way baby is facing. At the same time, amount of amniotic fluid can be determined, general terms of the foetus are determined heartbeat can also be felt. We can also understand whether if the baby is bended or not in the foetus.

3. Leopold Manoeuvre

On this manoeuvre fingers are used to understand engagement status, in another word we understand whether if the baby is in the pelvic and therefore, in birth canal. Fingers are used to understand which part physician is holding. If the physician is holding round and hard part this is the head of the baby, if holding a moving unshaped and soft that will be the hip of the baby.

4. Leopold Manoeuvre

Especially on the last 3 months of the pregnancy (3rd trimester) this manoeuvre is applied, this is an manoeuvre to understand the entering pelvic situation of the baby. Therefore, we can understand whether if the birth is soon or not by this manoeuvre. Gynaecologist, gets on the head side of the mother-to-be and grabs the pelvic region with fingers and check if the head tilts on both sides. If the head can be tilted on both sides, that indicates baby has not entered the birth canal yet. If the head does not tilt, that indicates baby has entered the pelvic.

When Does Leopold Manoeuvre Conducted?

Determination of the how baby is settled in the womb can be done by finding where the baby’s head, neck, arms and legs are in the abdominal part of the mother and distance to the birth canal can be determined by Leopold manoeuvre, this can be applied from the 5th month on the pregnancy. Because baby is not fully developed before the 5th month of the pregnancy, therefore, success rate is very low on those examinations. 3rd and 4th manoeuvres are applied on the last trimester of the pregnancy. As the baby grows towards end of the pregnancy, those examination gives more specific and definite results. Results of the physical examination and ultrasonographic examinations are combined to understand the general condition of the baby. Nowadays, during the pregnancy following, use of those manoeuvres are becoming less important with the development of new technologies such as coloured and multi-dimensional ultrasonography technology. However, depending on the baby’s settlement on the foetus, those scanning techniques may give false information. For the best option both techniques should be used.

Sleight of the specialist doing the Leopold manoeuvres is very important to be able to trust the outcomes of the examination. About this, specialist physicians abdominal examinations and ultrasonography scanning gives more definite results, it can create an map of the uterus. If you have passed the 5th month of your pregnancy and want to have more information on settlement and position of your baby in the womb you can contact your physician to get more detailed information on Leopold Manoeuvre.

For more information and your questions on diagnostics tests and Leopold Manoeuvre +90 444 39 49.

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