What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy? - Bahçeci

What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?

What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?
24.02.2020 0

Pregnancy start with formation of embryo by insemination of egg and sperm. With the change of hormone levels, mother-to-be experiences changes in her body. Those changes are defined as the symptoms of pregnancy, some people do realise those changes however specially on the surprise pregnancies some of those changes can be missed out. With the development of embryo those symptoms increase however not everybody feels those changes in the same way. During pregnancy, symptoms of pregnancy changes week by week. Planned pregnancies can be tests 10 days after unprotected sex from blood and after 14th day it can be tested via urine test. For the unplanned pregnancies, one of the first symptoms of the pregnancy is not having menstrual bleeding. If you normally have regular menstruation, but do not have your period on the supposed period is seen as one of the most important symptoms. For those who want to have more detailed information about pregnancy, generally search when pregnancy symptom starts, however it is more important to know what those symptoms are.

What are the Symptoms of Pregnancy?

The female reproductive system, which is stimulated by the brain triggering the release of hormones, activates to preparing the body for possible pregnancy regularly every month. Released LH and FSH helps ovulation and thickening endometrium known as intra-uterine wall. Matured eggs in womans’ ovarian reserve called follicles with the cracking of those follicles eggs, fall into fallopian tubes that opens up to the uterine. Here, male reproductive cell sperms meet with the eggs, and insemination occurs. Therefore, hormonal changes trigger the symptoms of pregnancy.

Week by week, changes on the hormone levels, causes widening of uterus and with the changes on nutrition, pregnancy symptoms become more evident. The first symptoms of pregnancy is the increase on oestrogen and progesterone levels and another symptoms is having more sensitive breasts and increase in size however those symptoms alone do not give definitive prove for pregnancy, pregnancy test must be applied to have definite prove for pregnancy. The earliest pregnancy symptoms are the changes caused by hormonal changes in the body, those changes occur day by day. One of the symptoms that increases the suspicion of pregnancy is missing your menstruation. However, do not forget that not all missed menstruation is a symptom of pregnancy. Missing menstruation outside of pregnancy can be a symptom of many other gynaecological disease.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Can have another answer, changes on the vaginal discharge. Normal slight spotting and menstrual bleeding may show difference on the form, this vaginal discharge may be bleeding this can be a symptom of pregnancy. Released changed hormone levels, affects metabolism, may show itself as an headache on some, and some can experience this as increased desire to sleep and tiredness. Especially, from the 3rd month of the pregnancy, desire to sleep and tiredness is seen more commonly. Nausea is along the symptoms of pregnancy. About 75% of pregnant women experiences this, this is caused by the increased oestrogen and beta HCG hormones. On the first 3 months of the pregnancy, nausea and vomiting can be present especially on the morning hours. Sensitivity towards smell, sound and light triggers the nausea symptom therefore these are also commonly observed along pregnant women. Sensitivity towards those senses are caused by increased levels of oestrogen. Released progesterone hormone may affect the digesting foods this may cause constipation. Day by day widened uterus causes pressure on bowels and hardens the bowel movements.

Having frequent need of urinating, caused by the pressure from widened uterus to the bladder. However, you should consult to your doctor if you are experiencing urinary burning as it may be a symptom of urinary infection. During the pregnancy, having brown spots on the nipple and abdominal area may occur this is a symptom of pregnancy. Pregnancy symptoms occurs by the hormones released and the changes that causes to the physiology. With the development of foetus in the uterus physical changes occur and causes symptoms. What are the symptoms on the first weeks of the pregnancy? Is generally asked by couples and it is important to know when those symptoms start?

When Does Pregnancy Symptoms Start?

Beginning of pregnancy is calculated from the last day of the last menstrual period. When calculating the assumed labour day, is calculated from this day. Therefore, first symptoms of the pregnancy start generally on the period that is known as implantation, in another word from the adherence of embryo to the uterus. 6 to 12 days after the insemination of egg and sperm, embryo adherences to the uterus after this, pregnancy symptoms start. Pregnant woman may not experience the same symptoms in the same way. Therefore, not every pregnant woman may have these symptoms at the same time. One of the first symptoms of pregnancy implantation bleeding can be shown as an example to that. This bleeding can be observed as spotting with this we can say pregnancy symptoms starts after this, first missed menstrual bleeding is marked as the start of the pregnancy.

First Week Symptoms of Pregnancy

On the case of fertilization of sperm and egg, last menstrual bleeding is counted as the first week of the pregnancy. Because, there is no missed menstrual bleeding at this point, woman may not be aware of the pregnancy. With the hormonal changes, on the first week woman may feel uneasy, aggressive and emotionally weak. The answer of what is the early sings of pregnancy may show differences for every woman. Therefore, instead of physical symptoms checking pregnancy from blood test gives much accurate results, to determine pregnancy.

Symptoms of Pregnancy for Twins

Even though, pregnancy symptoms start within the first month of the pregnancy, to be able to get an absolute determination of the pregnancy blood test called beta HCG should be conducted to check the hormone levels. Early symptoms of the twin pregnancy is limited with the feelings of mother-to-be. Because, there are no difference between twin or singleton pregnancy. For the absolute determination of the twin pregnancy, radiologically test called ultrasonographic scanning should be conducted. We can see if there is more than one baby in the uterus, by the ultrasound examination conducted by physician. On the first 3-month period, that is also called first trimester can have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting frequently for both singleton and twin pregnancy, also on the following months, gaining too much weight and over foetal movement can be observed on twin pregnancies.

For all your questions regarding pregnancy and symptoms you can call us from +90 444 39 49.

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