What is Corpus Luteum? Why does a corpus luteum cyst appear?

What is Corpus Luteum? Why does a corpus luteum cyst appear?

What is Corpus Luteum? Why does a corpus luteum cyst appear?
03.12.2024 0

An egg follicle, or in other words, a vesicle that grows under the influence of the FSH hormone during menstruation, is about 15 to 20 mm. When it reaches its diameter, it bursts and is released. When the egg passes into the fallopian tubes, the remaining egg follicle dissolves and disappears in the body on its own in cases where pregnancy does not occur. During pregnancy, until the progesterone hormone is released from the placenta; In other words, it is produced in the egg sac from about 10 weeks after the last menstrual bleeding. In the early stages of pregnancy, the role of the corpus luteum, defined as a mass of cells responsible for the release of the hormone progesterone, changes depending on the occurrence of pregnancy. When pregnancy does not occur, the follicle from which the egg is released sometimes does not dissolve in the body. Fluid accumulation occurs in the follicle, which does not disappear despite the release of the egg, and due to this accumulation, a cyst of the corpus luteum appears. Sometimes, even if the secretion of the progesterone hormone has passed to the placenta during pregnancy, the egg follicle does not shrink and turns into a cyst formation. This condition, which often causes painful symptoms, can sometimes cause abnormal vaginal bleeding. Before talking about the complaints caused by the cyst formation, let’s understand what the corpus luteum is…

What is Corpus Luteum?

Every month, the egg matures from the female genital organs and comes out of the sac where it is located. It then passes through the fallopian tubes, which open into the uterus. Pregnancy begins with the fertilization of the egg passing through the fallopian tubes. As pregnancy begins, the follicle that releases the egg releases progesterone to nourish the early stage embryo. Clusters of cells called follicles are called corpus luteum. For about 7-9 weeks, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone to maintain the pregnancy, until the placenta is formed. Progesterone supports the growth and expansion of the uterus and prevents contractions by increasing blood flow and oxygen demand. After the last menstrual bleeding, which is considered the beginning of pregnancy, the corpus luteum shrinks and disappears in the 7-9th week. This condition is called corpus albicans. The corpus luteum, made up of mass cells that produce progesterone, is dissolved and destroyed by the body when the egg does not meet a sperm cell in the fallopian tubes. In some cases, the cell bag from which the egg is released, in other words, the corpus luteum, fills with fluid, leading to the formation of a cyst. Called a corpus luteum cyst, this condition usually goes away without treatment, but if it grows, surgery may be required. In rare cases, cyst formation that prevents pregnancy is observed mainly in one ovary. However, in rare cases, it can occur in both ovaries. Cysts that do not require surgical intervention are usually small in size and disappear on their own. It grows and measures 5 to 7 cm. Cysts between them are surgically removed.

What is a corpus luteum cyst and how is it diagnosed?

Under normal conditions, the yellow body of a mature female egg ruptures and disappears after the egg moves towards the fallopian tubes. When pregnancy is present, the corpus luteum takes over the secretion of progesterone during early pregnancy. It shrinks and disappears around the second month of pregnancy. However, in some cases, this bag made of cells is filled with fluid and is not eliminated by the body, which leads to the formation of a cyst. A corpus luteum cyst, medically called a corpus hemorrhagicum, usually disappears completely after some time without requiring treatment. Corpus Luteum Cyst Pelvic Pain, Bloating, Back Pain, Abdominal Fullness, Painful Menstruation, Breast Pain i, causes complaints such as pain during sexual intercourse, abnormal vaginal bleeding, frequent urination, difficulty in urination and defecation. In some cases, the excessive growth of the corpus luteum cyst, causing internal bleeding, and the condition described as cyst bursting, can lead to conditions that adversely affect the blood flow in the ovary, such as torsion of the ovarian cyst, in other words , ovarian torsion or ovarian rotation. Therefore, if complaints similar to the above-mentioned symptoms appear, it is necessary to consult a specialist doctor for diagnosis and treatment. Although internal bleeding, known as intra-abdominal bleeding, is not life-threatening, it can lead to serious pregnancy-threatening situations, such as the formation of an ectopic pregnancy. The diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst can be made by examining the pelvic organs. However, if a pelvic examination based on the patient’s history does not reveal cyst formation, the doctor may require additional tests. The diagnosis of a corpus luteum cyst is determined by laboratory and X-ray tests, such as pelvic ultrasound and hormone tests to monitor hormone levels. After the diagnosis of cystic formation, the appropriate treatment method is determined and the patient is treated. The answer to the frequently asked question “what is a corpus luteum cyst and how does it form?”

What causes a corpus luteum cyst?

The corpus luteum, the cell-filled sac from which the egg is released, is destroyed by the body under normal conditions. This happens at different times depending on whether pregnancy has occurred or not. The causes of corpus luteum cyst are as follows.

  • Corpus luteum cyst – the ovarian sac, which should disappear in the body in the absence of pregnancy, is filled with fluid and does not shrink.
  • After the end of the function of hormone secretion during pregnancy, the inside of the bag is filled with fluid and does not shrink.

What does the corpus luteum do during pregnancy?

With the formation of pregnancy, the corpus luteum plays a very important role and ensures the production of progesterone hormone in the early period. The embryo continues its healthy development thanks to the progesterone hormone released by the corpus luteum before the formation of the placenta. It prepares the uterus for the embryo that has formed in the fallopian tubes and has not yet entered the uterus. The release of progesterone, which thickens the uterine wall and facilitates the attachment of the embryo, is essential for a healthy pregnancy. Between 7-9 weeks of pregnancy, the corpus luteum shrinks and disappears on its own. However, a corpus luteum cyst that does not shrink during pregnancy usually does not cause any problems during pregnancy. If the cyst grows or ruptures in the later weeks of pregnancy, it is surgically removed, monitored by a doctor using ultrasound. If the egg does not meet the sperm in the fallopian tubes, or in other words, the egg is not fertilized, the corpus luteum disintegrates and disappears. Thus, the amount of progesterone in the blood decreases. Accordingly, the intrauterine layer begins to shed, and thus another menstrual period begins.

How is corpus luteum cyst treated?

A non-cancerous and benign corpus luteum cyst usually shrinks and disappears on its own without the need for treatment. However, in some rare cases, it leads to cyst formation. This condition is treated with different treatments depending on the symptoms and the age of the person. If the cystic formation is small and does not cause any complaints, it is periodically monitored. However, the cyst is 5 to 7 cm. Abdominal enlargement, swelling and pain, painful periods, breast tenderness, abnormal vaginal bleeding, back pain, difficulty urinating similar to a urinary tract infection and if there are symptoms such as pain during intercourse, surgical intervention is performed laparoscopically to remove the cyst formation. With laparoscopic surgery, which is performed through 3 or 4 small incisions in the abdomen and is performed with an optical device, the patient can recover and return to daily life much faster than with traditional surgical methods. As with all cystic formations, corpus luteum cysts can recur. You can contact 444 39 49 for all your questions about corpus luteum cyst and other ovarian cysts. For all your questions, you can join our Be Hope, Find Hope Facebook group.

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