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One of the frequently asked question by expectant mother is, how much weight should I gain during pregnancy. This differs for each individual and generally start after the 7th week of the pregnancy.
We know that, weight gained is different for everyone. Original weight of the mother, babies weight placenta’s size and genetic features are determinant on the weight gained during pregnancy. But, most important part is the dietary habit of the mother.
During pregnancy, organic food should be chosen and you should avoid tinned food. You should try to minimize take-away. Instead of 3 meals a day, you should eat less but frequently. You should intake the calorie for energy from dried fruits and fresh fruits.
Your weight and height ratio before pregnancy, tells you if you are over-weight or normal. If your BMI (Body-Mass Index) is between 18 – 24 it is unlikely that you will face problem during pregnancy. If you are BMI is over 24 you become more likely to experience a problem.
Studies show that women with BMI over 30 and 34 (who is defined as morbid obese) there is a significant chance that the baby may have autism, also there is a significant chance that baby having diabetes and hypertension. Also mother-to-be has greater chance of having complication. Therefore, before getting pregnant mother to-be with BMI over 24 should lose at least 10% of their weight.
Calculation of BMI is not complicated. In order to be able to calculate BMI, you need to take the root of your height divide it by your weight. For example; If a person’s height is 160 cm and 55 kg of weight you should calculate the BMI as follows. 1.6 x 1.6 = 2.56 then 55/2.56 = 21.4
BMI < 18.5 – Thin BMI Between 18.5 – 24,9 – Ideal Weight BMI Between 25 – 29,9 – Over-weight BMI Between 30 – 39,9 – Obese BMI >40 – Advance Obese
It is important to lose weight before pregnancy. Before pregnancy, you should take care of dietary habit, regular exercise. You can get supportive treatments like acupuncture, once you lose enough weight and reach to your ideal weight, it is important to become pregnant. Losing weight increases your chance of falling pregnant along with reducing the chance of diabetes, high blood pressure and cardiac diseases.
During whole pregnancy period, mother-to-be should gain around 11 to 14 kgs. If expectant mother is thin before pregnancy, may gain more weight. If expectant mother is over-weight it is not advised them to gain weight, they generally gain about 7 to 8 kgs.
During pregnancy, gained weights distribution is as follows; 3 – 4 kgs is the baby, 700 gr to 1 kg is placenta 1 kg is for the increasing size of uterus 1,5 to 1,8 kg is for the increased count of blood. 1 kg is on increased size of the breasts and 1 to 2 kg is for the extra water storage on the baby. Rest of the weight gained is fat.
During pregnancy “I am carrying 2 life; I should eat for 2 people” is not a good thinking. This causes extra weight gain, and this is not healthy. You should never forget mother gaining weight in healthy limits will have healthy pregnancy and delivery will have minimal risk. Of course, returning to your normal weight after pregnancy will be easier.
For following weight, we have a simple advice you should get yourself a weigher once a week measure your weight. Even if your weight gaining is not sufficient on the first 3 months, you should be gaining 250 gr from the 4th month onwards. From 6 months onwards, you should gain weight 250 to 400 gr is defined normal.
On the 20th week expectant mother is now at the halfway of her pregnancy. On the 20th week mother will not have the symptoms as frequently and weight is not too heavy. This is the best time of the pregnancy.
At this stage, one of the most wondered points is the weight. At this point of the pregnancy, baby is about 300 gr. In the 5th month of the pregnancy mother will be gaining from 0,5 to 2 kg. At the end of the 20th week of the pregnancy, mother should have gained about 4,5 kg since the beginning of the pregnancy.
At the end of the pregnancy mother, should gain about 11 to 14 kgs. We regular and moderate weight gain mother will have less pain and cracks.
On the 6th month of the pregnancy, is also asked by pregnant women! On the 6th month mother should gain about 1,5 kg. you should take extra care on your dietary habit.
Everyday mother is becoming closer to welcome her baby, as she is experiences more frequent and heavier symptoms. Baby is about 760 gr. On the 26th week mother-to-be should have gained about 7,2 to 9,9 kg.
We are now on the 8th month of the pregnancy. Mother may experience, heart-burn, afflux and abdominal pain. On the 34th week baby weighs about 2146 gr. Mother may experience false, delivery pains.
If the mother has an average weight and is pregnant with a single baby, it is normal to gain an average of 11-12 kg from the beginning of pregnancy to the 34th week. If there is a twin pregnancy, the 34-week baby weight is expected to increase, which would result in more weight gain. If the total weight gained in the 34-week pregnancy is 11-12 kg, everything is fine. Less or more weight gain may result from the mother’s current weight before pregnancy or the development of the baby. Consult a doctor for this.
One of the most wondered subjects during pregnancy is whether or not the baby’s weight increases normally during pregnancy. The growth rate, weight gain and birth weight of each baby vary during pregnancy. The fact that infant weight is below or above average during pregnancy does not always mean that there is a developmental problem. However, we evaluate every possibility and suggest that the mother and her baby should follow up the weight gain together with their doctor and go through this process most carefully. During pregnancy, baby weight is estimated based on head and leg measurements by ultrasound.
During pregnancy, infant weight can be measured at 8 weeks, and an 8-week-old baby is on average 1 gram.
Week 16 – 100 gram
Week 24 – 600 gram
Week 32 – 1702 gram
Week 34 – 2146 gram
Week 42 – 3685 gram
On average, baby’s weight should as stated above. If there are is big differences there is nothing to worry about. Every baby has their own development procedure and weight gaining can be different. If the baby is born between 2500 – 4000 gr it is counted a normal. If a baby is born above 4500 gr we call this big baby
One of the most important issues that mothers wonder when calculating their baby and their weight gain during pregnancy is how much weight the placenta weighs. The placenta is the organ that provides the whole exchange between the mother and the baby during pregnancy. It develops in the early stages of pregnancy and is expelled from the mother’s uterus shortly after birth.
The weight of the placenta separated after birth is about half a kilo. Although the weight of the placenta is half a kilo, it is very important for the mother and the baby. The placenta, which is responsible for feeding the baby in the uterus, selects and carries the necessary nutrients and oxygen from the mother’s blood to the baby for the formation of new cells. The placenta is in the form of an oval disc with a diameter of 15-20 cm and the weight of the placenta, as mentioned above, is about half a kilo, ie 500-600 grams.
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