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One of the obstacles to becoming pregnant is the advancement in a woman’s age. Fertility tends to decline with age, particularly after the age of 35, with a decrease in both the quantity and quality of eggs. However, advancements in assisted reproductive technologies offer the possibility of achieving pregnancy even for women of advanced age through IVF treatments.
As women get older, their fertility decreases. This decrease starts after the age of 30 and accelerates after the age of 40. Fertility decreases with age because women have a limited number of eggs when they are born, and this number decreases with time. The decline in ovarian potential results in lower pregnancy rates, both by natural ways and by treatment.
Another important point regarding pregnancy at an advanced age is the decline in egg quali-ty. The figures related to this issue are as follows; the rate of achieving pregnancy resulting in live birth within one year is 75% in women aged 30; 66% in women aged 35; 44% in wom-en aged 40.
In addition, as a consequence of the aging of the eggs, the risk of miscarriage is also increased with age. With age, gynaecological problems such as myomas, medical prob-lems such as diabetes and goitre are also more common. Besides infertility due to advanced age, there are other causes of female infertility:
It is very important that women of advanced age do not lose time in the examination and treatment phases. Females aged 35 years and over should see a doctor if pregnancy is not achieved within 6 months of unprotected sex.
Females aged 40 years and older should see a doctor if pregnancy is not achieved within 3 months of unprotected sex. Although it depends on the general health of the couple, it is very much possible for patients of advanced age to achieve pregnancy.
At this point, the choice of the centre is of the utmost importance. The more advanced the embryology laboratory of the IVF centre and the better the freez-ing/thawing techniques are performed, the higher the chances of achieving pregnancy.
As Bahçeci Health Group, we have had the pleasure of fulfilling the parenting dreams of over 80,000 families thanks to our expert teams in all our centres, our state-of-the-art embryolo-gy laboratories, and success-boosting methods.
According to the regulation of IVF, in women under 35 years of age, only one embryo can be transferred in the first two attempts. In subsequent attempts, two embryos can be trans-ferred. In women over 35 years of age, two embryos can be transferred. Success-boosting methods used in IVF treatments:
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