What is Ovulation Test?

What is Ovulation Test?

What is Ovulation Test?
14.05.2020 0

Ovulation test, which is used to determine the best time to conceive, is done by measuring the hormones that increase during ovulation in the urine. Some of the eggs in the ovarian reserve of women in the reproductive period mature regularly every month and progress towards the fallopian tubes. At this point, the egg has about 24 hours to fertilize with the sperm cell. After this time, the egg loses its function.

Ovulation test is performed to determine this limited period for pregnancy to occur. While urine testing measures the level of hormone that increases just before the ovulation period; tests with saliva measure the increased amount of salt in the mouth secretion due to hormonal change. Thus, the ideal time for pregnancy is determined. Before answering the question of when the ovulation test asked by women who want to increase the chance of pregnancy becomes positive, it is necessary to grasp what is ovulation test.

What is Ovulation Test?

Women who regularly menstruate every month lay eggs in the middle of their menstrual periods. This period precisely takes place on the 14th day before the next menstrual date. However, it is quite difficult for people with irregular menstrual periods to determine this day. With the maturation of the eggs in the reserve, the follicle in which it resides cracks and the egg proceeds to the fallopian tubes opening to the uterus. In this period when the person is very likely to conceive, the person can easily become pregnant with regular and unprotected sexual intercourse. Eggs can survive for up to 24 hours until fertilization occurs in the fallopian tubes, while sperm cells can survive in the female uterus and fallopian tubes for approximately 48 hours. Therefore, it is not necessary to have intercourse only at certain hours for pregnancy to occur.

Having determined the period of ovulation with this test, having sexual intercourse regularly increases the chance of pregnancy considerably. The ovulation period test, which is sold in pharmacies, has a structure and working principle similar to the pregnancy test. The person who wants to become pregnant can easily determine the period of ovulation by doing the test on his own, when she thinks that she is close to the ovulation period. With the analog or digital ovulation test, ovulation period can be easily determined at home.

These tests basically measure Luteinic hormone (LH), which is present in the urine and increases twice a month, 24 to 36 hours before ovulation. Since the release of the egg is triggered with the increase of the LH hormone, the determination of this period is very important for those who want to become pregnant. Those who became pregnant with the ovulation test increased their chances of pregnancy by having sexual intercourse within the first 24 to 36 hours following this time, as they fully knew the release time of the luteinic hormone.

How is Ovulation Test Performed?

The answers to the frequently asked questions about how to use the ovulation test and how to perform ovulation test are as follows: Users of the ovulation test should first make sure that they are approximately in the middle of their two dates. Thus, the approximate time of the ovulation period is determined. Pregnancy ovulation test, which is carried out by looking at the urine, starts by applying urine on the part of the device at the end of the device, or immersing it in the urine in a clean container. If the purchased device is a digital ovulation test, it should be placed on a flat surface by closing the cover of the device in order to follow the ovulation test result if it is analog. Since how long to wait while ovulation test calculates differs from brand to brand, the manual in the box must be checked. After the specified period, it is determined whether there is an ovulation period with the icons on the screen or panel. If the person has high fertility according to the test result, having sexual intercourse within 24 to 36 hours following the test increases the chance of pregnancy. However, if the person is not yet in the fertile period, he can continue to test regularly every day and determine the ideal time.

The answer to the question of how to perform an ovulation test viewed from saliva is as follows: It is important for the accuracy of the test to use the purchased device without eating and drinking anything. After wetting the fingertip with saliva, the spit without air bubbles is touched to the tip of the device or, in other words, the slide area, the saliva is expected to dry. By looking through the lens on the device, it is learned whether it is in the ovulation period. The devices recommended as the best ovulation test are generally the test devices that people make in the right period. It is extremely important to follow the menstrual periods in order not to repeatedly perform the ovulation test, which is an effective and practical method in learning the ovulation period. Therefore, the question of when ovulation test is performed is very important for people who want to become pregnant.

When is Ovulation Test Performed?

Since the ovulation test detects the Luteinic hormone that increases before the ovulation period, monitoring of the menstrual period is extremely important. Since ovulation takes place on the 14th day before the next menstrual period, testing is more appropriate in this period. It is important that people whose irregular menstrual cycle is irregular, based on the shortest cycle in the last 3 months, so as not to miss the ovulation period. Menstrual bleeding, which takes place every 28 days, is extremely suitable for starting the test on the 11th day following the last menstrual period and continuing until the 14th day, to determine the ovulation period without missing. Another point to be considered here is to count the first day of the spotting or bleeding as the 1st day.

Although the ovulation test can be performed at any time of the day, applying between 10 am and 8 pm increases the accuracy of the test. Lack of fluid for about 2 hours before the test facilitates the measurement of LH level. In the case of 2 tests during the day, 8 hours between the two tests is useful for determining the LH level correctly. In the presence of hormonal drugs used, the test result may not be correct. However, before stopping the use of these drugs, a physician must be consulted.

Can Pregnancy Determined with Ovulation Test?

If pregnancy is suspected, pregnancy test should be applied, not ovulation test. Although a wrong perception occurs due to the fact that both tests are immersed in urine or measured by urine, this information is completely wrong. The ovulation test measures the Luteinic hormone (LH), which increases during ovulation. This hormone triggers the progression of the egg located in the ovarian reserve into the fallopian tubes. In the presence of pregnancy, the hormone Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) increases rapidly in the body. Pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies measure the hormone HCG in urine. Therefore, the question of whether pregnancy is learned with the ovulation test that measures the level of LH hormone in the urine is definitely answered as no.

In case the ovulation test performed at home is negative despite being tried many times and unprotected for 1 year and having sexual intercourse regularly, pregnancy should not be contacted. Despite regular menstruation, there can be many different reasons behind the absence of pregnancy. After investigating this situation, the couple who want to have a baby can also try the methods of assisting reproductive treatment by deciding together.

For all your questions about ovulation test price information, you can contact us at 444 39 49.

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