Impact of Smoking and Alcohol over Sperm Production

Impact of Smoking and Alcohol over Sperm Production

Impact of Smoking and Alcohol over Sperm Production
14.12.2020 0

Having a child is one of many people’s dreams. In couples who have regular and unprotected sexual intercourse under normal conditions, pregnancy is expected to occur within one year at the latest. However, stress, lifestyle problems, any disease of the reproductive organs and the hormonal system can delay or prevent having children naturally. These may be related to a problem in the woman or man, or there may be factors that reduce the chance of reproduction in both the couple.

Considering the causes of infertility in men, it is seen that in addition to some physiological reasons, modifiable factors such as smoking and alcohol use and excess weight significantly affect reproductive ability. Harmful habits such as smoking and the use of other tobacco products and alcohol use directly affect sperm count and quality in men. For this reason, it is very important for individuals who want to have children to make some lifestyle changes in addition to undergoing health screening.

Causes of Male Infertility

If a pregnancy has not been achieved despite the completion of a one-year period in couples who have unprotected regular sexual intercourse, the underlying problem should be determined by conducting necessary researches on male and female infertility. In some couples, this process can be considered as two years, taking into account special situations, working conditions, weight control and times to get rid of harmful habits. As a result of the evaluation by the physician, any health problem in a woman or a man can be easily detected as a result of the evaluation made in couples who cannot have children at the end of one or two years.

Looking at the causes of infertility problems in couples who want to have children, it is seen that one third of the cases are caused by problems related to the man and one third to the problems related to the woman. In the remaining third, there are health problems that cause infertility in both women and men. The physiological process required for the smooth functioning of the reproductive system and the continuity of sperm production in men is managed by the region called the hypothalamus in the brain.

The hypothalamus stimulates the pituitary gland and the male hormones secreted from here enable sperm production to take place in the testicles. Any disorder that occurs during hormone production in the brain or sperm production in the testicles can cause male infertility. In addition to physiological disorders, some environmental factors can also cause male infertility by negatively affecting sperm production, quality and number. Common causes of infertility in men include:

• Health problems that affect sperm production and motility and reduce sperm count,
• Varicocele disease,
• Canal blockages in the male reproductive system,
• Hormonal disorders,
• Congenital diseases,
• Diabetes (diabetes) disease,
• Sperm morphology disorders,
• Male sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation,
• Infectious diseases,
• Stress,
• Smoking, tobacco products, alcohol use,
• Substance abuse,
• Obesity,
• Excessive caffeine consumption.

Apart from the factors mentioned above, some chronic diseases can also cause infertility by negatively affecting the male reproductive system or hormonal balance. Individuals with any disease that may cause infertility should undergo a health check without waiting for a year after making the decision to have a child; If you have those harmful habits such as caffeine consumption, smoking and alcohol use, you should consuming those stopped.

Impact of Smoking and Alcohol over Sperm Production

The damages of smoking and alcohol are countless. One of the most important of these damages is the negative effects of smoking on sperm morphology, sperm count and motility. According to many scientific studies, it is seen that smoking habit causes a significant decrease in sperm count, as well as decreases sperm quality and increases the possibility of hereditary diseases by causing DNA damage in sperm.

Although these are the direct effects of alcohol and smoking on male reproduction, these harmful habits that negatively affect the general functioning of the body can also indirectly cause many negative effects. Since the mentioned negative effects are factors that decrease the chance of fertilization, it decreases the probability of a healthy pregnancy. However, this habit can be a direct cause of infertility in people with excessive smoking or alcohol use. In addition to all these reasons, couples who plan to have children should avoid smoking and alcohol use, as they have negative effects on female fertility.

Sperm Count and Mobility

Sperm count and mobility is one of the most important factors determining fertility in men. For sperm production to continue smoothly in the testicles, the reproductive organs must function in a healthy way. Sperm count and quality can be investigated with the spermiogram test and possible problems can be determined according to the result of this test. Sperm number, pH level, concentration, motility, and sperm morphology can be determined with spermiogram (semen analysis). This test should be applied to men who have not been able to have a child despite regular and unprotected intercourse for one year.

If a negative value is detected in any of the qualities specified because of the spermiogram test, further investigations should be made for the reason. The harm of smoking to sperm is an issue that is highly wondered by couples who plan to have children and who have a smoking habit.

The damages of alcohol to sperm are like those caused by smoking, and the most important of these are the negative effects on the morphology, quantity and motility of sperm. Therefore, smoking and alcohol use should be questioned in addition to advanced research on reproductive system health in patients with any negative effects on the spermiogram.

Advices to Protect Sperm Production

In couples who apply to health institutions with infertility problems, a detailed medical screening should be performed in both male and female individuals. In male individuals, spermiogram test is also included among the routine screenings, and if a negativity is detected as a result of this test, the cause should be determined, and treatment should be applied. Healthy nutrition can be stated as the second most important issue for people who do not have any health problems related to reproductive organs.

The implementation of a nutritional plan that includes all food groups in an adequate and balanced manner, whose energy and nutrient content is proportional to the needs of the individual, is important in terms of ideal sperm count and quality in men. Since the effect of smoking on sperm quality is negative, men planning to have children should avoid smoking and alcohol completely. Since excess weight is also a disadvantage in terms of sperm production and quality, individuals with excess weight should reach their ideal weight by losing weight in a healthy way under the control of a dietician.

Regular exercise is of great importance in terms of maintaining health and body form. It is recommended that men who want to reach their ideal weight or maintain their form, and at the same time support sperm production by accelerating blood circulation, determine a regular exercise plan and make it a lifestyle.

If you are planning to have children and have harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol use that negatively affect reproductive health, it is useful to quit them. If you have problems with quitting smoking and alcohol, you can get medical support by applying to health institutions. You can consult your physician to undergo an examination or to have your routine health screenings for any problems with your reproductive health.

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