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Menopause is one of the usual periods of life that begins with the fall of the foetus into the womb and continues as infancy, first childhood, adolescence, young adulthood and youth. When women were born, the ovaries in their ovaries are clear. Unless these ovaries are fertilized, they are thrown one by one during the so-called monthly menstrual periods. By the time of the menopause, the number of ovaries in the ovaries is reduced and the oestrogen hormone produced in the body decreases accordingly. As this process continues, oestrogen production stops and ovaries become smaller. As a result, menstrual cycles are interrupted, and the reproductive ability of women is eliminated. This period is called menopause. Studies have shown that menopausal age of 46-48 in Turkey. However, there may be the occurrence of menopause earlier than these ages, and this condition is called early menopause.
Menopause that begins between the ages of 40 and 45 is called early menopause. When the ovaries stop producing eggs, the level of oestrogen produced in the body decreases. The oestrogen hormone controls the reproductive cycle in the body. Anything that damages the ovaries or prevents the production of the hormone oestrogen can cause early menopause. One of these reasons may also include removing the ovaries due to cancer. In such cases, doctors prepare their patients psychologically for early menopause. However, although the ovaries are intact, there may be a state of menopause.
Early menopause symptoms and treatment may vary. However, it is mostly the same as the symptoms seen in women who naturally undergo menopause. The menstrual cycle becomes irregular and in occasionally menstruation may not occur. Some cycles may be slower than normal menstrual periods, while others may be lighter. Sudden hot flashes that spread to the upper body may occur. The main reason for the appearance of these symptoms is the decrease in the level of oestrogen. In addition to these symptoms, vaginal dryness, weakened bladder control, sudden emotional changes, dry skin, impaired sleep pattern, decreased sexual desire and dry eyes.
There is no difference between early menopausal symptoms and normal menopausal symptoms. The emergence of menopause earlier than expected is early menopause. The thinning of the menstrual cycle that occurs earlier than expected, the absence of a cycle in some months, and the sudden hot flashing sensation in the body indicate that early menopause may occur. These situations may differ from person to person. Some patients may feel milder and others may feel more severe. However, these symptoms are among the symptoms of early menopause.
It is related to the production of early menopause ovaries and regular menstrual cycle. The number of eggs in the female body is determined from birth and it is not possible to produce more eggs than this. However, some early menopausal symptoms can be prevented in relation to the immune system being strong. Studies have shown that prevention treatments work in five out of a hundred women. However, this is a very low rate and it is often not possible to prevent menopause.
There are basically two different reasons for the emergence of early menopause. One of them is the depletion of the follicles we mentioned above, and the second is the loss of the function of the follicles. With the emergence of these causes, eggs cannot ripen and be released. This means that a woman’s menstrual cycles end. This process is considered normal when it occurs later in life. However, it may be necessary to treat the symptoms that cause them to appear earlier.
There are several tests for the diagnosis of early menopause. The most used of these are blood measurement tests. In these tests, the level of FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone) in the blood is checked. FSH is the hormone that is secreted from the pituitary and allows the ovaries to be managed. In addition, the level of the hormone AMH (anti-muller hormone) is checked. Recent reviews have revealed that the AMH measurement performed is more reliable in diagnosing menopause. As a result of the tests, early menopause can be diagnosed. After the diagnosis, the question arises that most patients have early menopause treatment. Today, herbal treatments, IVF treatment, drug therapy, stem cell therapy and hormone therapy are applied for early menopause. With these treatments, it is aimed to restore the patient’s former health.
The answer to the question of “what early menopause treatment is?” has diversified answers. In fact, IVF treatment can be applied in the early menopause. Even in a small group of women, early menopause may heal spontaneously. In such cases, pregnancy can happen spontaneously. However, in vitro fertilization is applied in patients who have not yet given birth and who still have early menopause. For IVF treatment to be applied in early menopause, the female must have an egg cell. This treatment is not possible in cases where the egg cell is completely depleted. Successful pregnancies are achieved with in vitro fertilization treatment in women who have egg cells but are weak.
For this reason, it is useful to see the specialist without losing time when early menopausal symptoms begin to appear. Thus, it will be possible to apply pregnancy treatment in early menopause. For patients who ask what happens if early menopause is not treated, the answer is stem cell therapy. Because it is no longer possible to use eggs that have lost their quality during pregnancy. If IVF treatment fails, stem cell therapy is applied.
The answer to one of the questions of how to treat early menopause can also be answered as early menopause stem cell therapy. Stem cell transplantation is performed to the patient who has entered menopause early. The purpose of this stem cell therapy is to restore the depleted eggs. Eggs begin to form again in 2-3 months following stem cell transplantation. These eggs are stronger than the eggs produced in the healthy periods of the patient. However, pregnancy is aimed by applying IVF treatment after this treatment. Stem cell therapy alone is not enough to see menstrual cycles again. However, when applied together with IVF treatment, positive results can be obtained. Thus, it is possible for patients entering early menopause to become pregnant again. With the help of this treatment, those who have early menopause treatment can have children again even if they have not been pregnant before.
Early menopause treatment can be tried to be treated by herbal means. These treatments are supportive for drugs used mostly in the treatment of early menopause. Early menopause drug treatment is mostly done with hormone supplements. With hormone replacement therapy, additional estrogen and progesterone hormones can be supplemented to the patient to replace some reproductive hormones. In addition, this treatment reduces the risk of osteoporosis and protects heart health. In addition to this treatment, complementary calcium and vitamin D treatment are also applied. Women between the ages of 19-50 should take 1000 milligrams of calcium with their daily eating habits. However, this level increases to 1200 milligrams after the age of 50. Therefore, the doctor may recommend additional medications and foods to ensure that sufficient calcium intake is taken.
During these applications, the question of whether early menopause treatment gains weight may come to mind, but if regular nutrition continues, any weight gain situation will not occur mostly. However, there is a possibility of weight gain as a side effect of hormone therapy in early menopause. In uncontrolled weight gain, it is useful to consult a doctor without wasting time. In addition, yarrow tea to be prepared with yarrow can be used as a supportive treatment. In addition, salvia is recommended in addition to treatment. Tea, which will be prepared by boiling nettle, shepherd’s purse, curd and honey mixture, called mixed curing, all in equal amounts of water, can also be used as a support for the treatment.
If you are showing symptoms of early menopause, you can take an appointment with a healthcare provider without delay and have the necessary tests done. You can also contact us at 444 39 49 for all your questions.
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