What are the risks of multiple pregnancy?

What are the risks of multiple pregnancy?
02.11.2024 0

Multiple pregnancy is a term used to describe being pregnant with 2 or more babies at a time. Multiple pregnancies, which mostly occur in the form of twins or triplets, occur when a fertilized egg (embryo) splits into two for different reasons or when more than one egg is fertilized at the same time.

In in vitro fertilization applications, multiple pregnancies, which are frequently encountered due to the transfer of more than one embryo into the uterus, require careful monitoring.

What is Multiple Pregnancy?

Multiple pregnancy is one of the topics that many women who want to be mothers wonder about. So how does multiple pregnancy happen? Pregnancy occurs when a sperm from a man fertilizes an egg in a woman.

Fertilization occurs predominantly one at a time, and once one egg is fertilized, the other eggs lose their ability to fertilize themselves.

This is part of the body’s mechanism to protect the embryo that forms as a result of a fertilized egg. In some cases, it occurs when a fertilized egg (embryo) splits into two for various reasons or when more than one egg is fertilized by more than one sperm.

Multiple Pregnancy Symptoms

The symptoms of multiple pregnancy are mostly the same as the symptoms of single pregnancy. It is extremely difficult to detect multiple pregnancy especially in the early stages of pregnancy without the use of ultrasound or doppler devices.

Although symptoms such as nausea, dizziness and weakness seen in the early stages of pregnancy are more severe in multiple pregnancies than in singleton pregnancies, it is not always possible to understand that this condition is caused by multiple pregnancies.

Women who are experiencing their first pregnancy in particular may not notice a multiple pregnancy because they are unaware of the severity of the symptoms in a single pregnancy. Therefore, the detection of a multiple pregnancy usually occurs after two embryos are seen on ultrasound and two different heart sounds are heard on the doppler device.

What are the risks of multiple pregnancy?

A significant portion of the difficulties experienced during pregnancy stem from the physical weight and nutritional needs of the baby. For this reason, multiple pregnancies are more challenging than singleton pregnancies.

If two or more babies share a single sac, the risk of the babies harming each other increases.

The most common twin pregnancy risk factors include babies being in life-threatening positions due to limited space and their cords getting tangled up.

Due to the risks of twin pregnancies in one sac, the cord of one of the babies may be compressed in a way that threatens vital functions, and this may result in miscarriage of one of the babies in a twin pregnancy.

Multiple pregnancy also poses various risks for the mother. The most important of these risks are gestational diabetes and pregnancy-induced hypertension.

In addition, premature birth, which is the most common cause of death for newborns in developed countries, and the undesirable consequences related to it also develop due to multiple pregnancy.

More than 90% of twin pregnancies are born around 35 weeks, while this rate is 100% in triplet pregnancies. Since the organ systems of premature babies, especially the respiratory system, have not yet reached sufficient maturity, these babies are more likely to be admitted to intensive care.

Moreover, while some premature babies die after birth due to organ system failure, some surviving babies may suffer sequelae (cerebral palsy, intestinal problems, lung and respiratory problems, vision problems and blindness).

It is of great benefit for all women experiencing multiple pregnancies to undergo both the pregnancy and postpartum recovery phase under the supervision of a specialist doctor.

Factors That Increase the Risk of Multiple Pregnancy

Multiple pregnancy occurs mainly as a result of genetic predisposition and it is not possible to predict whether this situation will occur or not. However, if IVF treatment is applied, the possibility of multiple pregnancy increases.

In IVF treatment, also known as in vitro fertilization, the egg taken from the mother is fertilized outside the body with the sperm taken from the father and transferred to the mother. It is not certain that fertilization performed in a laboratory environment will result in pregnancy.

Therefore, IVF specialists try to collect and fertilize as many eggs as possible to increase the mother’s chances of getting pregnant. The more eggs that are collected and fertilized from the mother in IVF treatment, the higher the chance of pregnancy. After the fertilized eggs are transferred to the mother’s uterus, a period of waiting is required to see if the process has worked.

In some expectant mothers, none of the fertilized eggs take hold and pregnancy does not occur. In some cases, more than one embryo needs to be transferred to the mother’s uterus, which increases the likelihood of multiple pregnancies.

While the probability of multiple pregnancy in naturally occurring pregnancies is 1%, in in vitro fertilization applications, the probability of multiple pregnancy is between 30% and 40%, depending on the number of embryos transferred.

Multiple Pregnancy Risks in IVF

Multiple pregnancies that occur through in vitro fertilization may be riskier than those that occur naturally. The main reason for this is the risk of inadequate maternal health.

In other words, the risks of multiple pregnancies after IVF may not be due to the procedure itself, but rather to problems in the mother’s body that make the procedure necessary. Some of the risks of multiple pregnancies encountered in IVF are as follows:

If the mother is over 35 and the risk of miscarriage is high, one of the embryos may not survive. If a triplet pregnancy occurs but the mother’s uterine structure and general health are not sufficient to carry three babies, termination of one of the triplets may be used to save the other babies.

Is Twin Pregnancy Risky?

Twin pregnancy is not a risky situation on its own. Many women experience twin pregnancies naturally or through in vitro fertilization and have two babies at the end of a healthy pregnancy.

However, various points in the mother’s health can make twin pregnancy risky for the mother and the babies. Especially during the first 12 weeks, known as the risky weeks in twin pregnancy, it is recommended that the mother pay attention to her nutrition, rest and the medications she uses.

The first 12 weeks are spent with the babies trying to hold on to the body, and the slightest mistake during this process can lead to the loss of the babies. For this reason, it is recommended that expectant mothers stay away from edema-inducing foods and drinks, get plenty of rest, avoid activities that will strain their body, and regularly seek medical supervision during the first 12 weeks, also known as the first trimester.

If you would like to learn more about IVF and multiple pregnancies, you can contact Bahçeci IVF Center. For all your questions, you can reach us at 444 39 49 .

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