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Infertility of unknown/unexplained cause (infertility) can be roughly defined as a situation in which the obstacle preventing a couple from having a child cannot be identified. In many couples, the cause of infertility can be attributed to either the man or the woman.
There may be problems with the man's sperm count and quality or with the woman's eggs and ovulation problems.
In a third scenario, no specific cause for infertility can be found. After tests and medical evaluation, infertility may remain "unexplained".
The cause of unexplained infertility is thought to be a combination of one or more factors. These factors include mild endometriosis (the presence of uterus-like tissue outside the uterus), mild ovulation disorders, cervical factor (mucus production that prevents the sperm from reaching the egg) or the inability of the sperm to fertilize the egg despite its normal appearance and motility.
The methods applied in infertility treatments of unknown cause can be listed as natural pregnancy waiting period, laparoscopy, vaccination and IVF.
One of these treatments is determined according to the patient's condition as a result of the evaluations made by the doctor.
In the treatment of infertility of unknown cause, if the expectant mother is young and the ovarian reserve is in good condition, the couple can expect pregnancy naturally for 1 year by making changes in their lifestyle.
During this period, the couple should stop smoking and alcohol use, if any, and make regular exercise and healthy nutrition a part of their lives.
If pregnancy does not occur in this process, ovulation treatment and vaccination treatment are applied for 3 months. If these treatments do not yield results, in vitro fertilization treatment is applied.
If the expectant mother is over 35 years of age or if her egg reserves are not in good condition, IVF treatment can be applied without wasting time. In cases of unexplained infertility, there is no standard treatment, a treatment is planned according to the patient's condition.
Even though some explanatory factors have been found in recent years, the cause of infertility in one out of every 6 couples is still unclear. The important point here is the problems in the evaluation of sperm analysis in men.
Sperm analysis is not a simple laboratory technique and knowledge and experience are of great importance when evaluating sperm samples. Contrary to popular belief, sperm count alone is not sufficient for conception.
Sperm movement and, more importantly, their morphology (shape) affect their fertility potential. The only method to measure sperm morphology is to look at it directly under a microscope since it is not measured with any device.
Studies have shown that when the same sperm sample is evaluated by different laboratories, very different results are reported.
Sperm analysis by an experienced specialist will prevent couples who want to have a child from wasting time or undergoing unnecessary treatments.
Thanks to our embryology laboratories equipped with advanced technology and embryologists who have proven their expertise in their field, we are able to make the dreams of thousands of couples come true.
Let us call you as soon as possible regarding the issues you want to consult.
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