Multiple Pregnancies

Multiple Pregnancies

How Does Multiple Pregnancy Occur?

With the scientific advancements in IVF treatments, the rate of multiple pregnancies in society has increased to 3-4%. Having a pregnancy age over 30 and a family history of multiple pregnancies are other contributing factors. Multiple pregnancies can be either monozygotic (identical) or dizygotic (fraternal).

What Are Identical Twins?

Twins that arise from the fertilization of a single egg by sperm and are genetically, sexually, and visually similar are referred to as identical twins. The occurrence of identical twins is one in every 250 live births, regardless of age, race, or heredity. In identical twins, transfusion syndrome (blood transfer) occurs in one out of three pregnancies. Therefore, structural problems are more frequently observed in identical twins.

What Are Fraternal Twins?

Pregnancies that result from the separate fertilization of two or more eggs by sperm are defined as fraternal twins. The newborns can be of different genders and do not resemble each other. Assisted reproductive techniques, a family history of multiple pregnancies, advanced maternal age (>30), pre-pregnancy weight, and discontinuation of birth control pills increase the likelihood of multiple pregnancies.

Chromosomal (genetic) problems are more commonly encountered in fraternal twins. Expectant mothers diagnosed with multiple pregnancies should undergo more frequent check-ups and evaluations through ultrasound.

Potential Problems in Multiple Pregnancies:

  • Preterm birth
  • Low birth weight
  • Growth retardation
  • Loss of the baby in the womb (fetal death or miscarriage)
  • Gestational diabetes
  • Preeclampsia (high blood pressure during pregnancy and protein in urine) are the most common problems. To ensure early diagnosis of these issues and take necessary precautions, do not neglect to have frequent check-ups.

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Multiple Pregnancies

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